Wednesday 25 January 2023

What is a Tincture?

When you walk into your local dispensary, you’ll find hundreds of products in dozens of different formats — medicated lotions, baked goods, candies, concentrates, flower, cartridges, even bath salts! One type of product, however, is often overlooked: tinctures.

While your first instinct may not be to select the tiny bottle of cannabis solution over a delicious looking brownie, tinctures are an ancient form of medicine that have been used for centuries. In fact, before cannabis prohibition, tinctures were the most popular form of medicinal marijuana.

Cannabis Tinctures

Tinctures refer to a solution of medicine or botanicals dissolved in a liquid, usually alcohol or oil. They usually come in Tinctures are a solution of medicine or botanicals dissolved in a liquid. By definition, a true tincture uses alcohol as its solvent, though these are not recommended for those in recovery. Oils like MCT (coconut) oil are commonly used in the cannabis space.  Tinctures typically come in small bottles with droppers and are taken orally. Cannabis tinctures can include cannabinoids like THC, CBD, or even THCA and CBDA (and combinations of the four!). Try Mota THC Sleep Tincture and know the benefits of cannabis tincture.

Here’s generally what you can expect from the three main types of tinctures:

CBD Tinctures derived from hemp are chosen by users who want to avoid the intoxifying effects of THC. A CBD-only tincture may contain traces of THC, but by law the amount must be less than 0.3%. CBD tinctures can even be found in states that haven’t legalized medical or recreational marijuana yet. Because hemp-derived CBD is a largely unregulated industry (besides the monitoring of THC levels), always be sure to request a Certificate of Analysis (COA) to ensure there are no traces of pesticides or heavy metals.

CBD Tinctures derived from cannabis, too, are chosen by those who want to avoid the psychoactivity of THC. When extracted from the cannabis plant, there is typically a higher level of THC traces, but the high levels of CBD mitigate any potential high feelings. Cannabis-derived CBD Tinctures have the added benefit of additional testing conducted due to state laws.

THC Tinctures are derived from the marijuana plant, and are often chosen for their euphoric effects. THC tinctures will also likely contain concentrations of CBD, but much lower than the THC amounts.

CBD:THC tinctures provide the best of both worlds by leveraging the benefits of both cannabinoids in varying ratios. THC targets the perception of pain, while CBD addresses the underlying cause of said pain.

How Does a Tincture Work?

The most common way to take a tincture is to do so sublingually. This means you’ll use the dropper to measure your solution, then drop the liquid under your tongue. It’s generally recommended to hold the solution under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing.

The tincture is then absorbed into the mucus membrane under your tongue, where it’s dispersed directly into your bloodstream. This is what differentiates a tincture from an edible: edibles must be digested and processed by the liver, which often takes several hours. When taken sublingually, tinctures bypass the liver, meaning users often feel the effects within 15 minutes to an hour after dosing and for 5-6 hours after consuming. Unlike smoking, the benefits from tinctures come gradually, rather than all at once.

We’ll provide more information on dosing and best practices, but know that you should approach tinctures with the same caution you do edibles. Ensure you allow ample time for your first dose to take effect before taking more.

What are the Benefits of Tinctures?

Because tinctures are a smokeless consumption method that doesn’t impact your lungs, they provide a happy medium between smoking or vaporizing and edibles, which take longer to set in than a dose of tincture. They’re generally considered odorless (the tincture itself may have a hemp-y smell, but it usually isn’t detectable from an open bottle) and thus discreet. And they’re mighty convenient — no rolling papers, lighter, or any accessories are needed.

Tinctures are also some of the lowest-calorie edible products carried in most dispensaries, making them an ideal product for users with diabetes or other dietary restrictions. They can  be used to make your own edibles, too – just add your tincture to drinks (if encapsulated), baked goods, gelatin, or even to infuse butter or oils. Infusing with tinctures up the possibilities for less conventional edibles, such as salad dressing, pasta sauce, ice cream toppings, soup, whatever! Get creative — the possibilities are endless.

Just keep in mind that edibles made with tinctures take the same amount of time to set in as regular edibles. It’s also in your best interest to pay attention to the type of tincture you’re using for cooking — one made of coconut oil might work great in brownies, but stirring it into your drink may not be ideal.

What Kind of Tincture Should I Buy?

Luckily, there is a huge selection of tinctures available on the market. Not only can you find tinctures with a variety of doses, they also come in a variety of ratios. If a tincture has a ratio on the package, it usually refers to the amount of CBD:THC. For example, a 4:1 tincture has four parts of CBD for every one part THC.

This specificity makes tinctures an ideal product for medical use– rather than supplementing your THC regimen with CBD, you can get all your medication from one product. Here’s a general rundown of what the cannabinoids found in tinctures can help with:

THC: calms the nervous system, stimulates appetite, provides pain relief

CBD: balances the immune system, calms anxiety, regulates serotonin

THCA: anti-inflammatory, pain relief

CBDA: anti-inflammatory, calms anxiety, reduces nausea

It’s also worth considering what your solution is made of. Alcohol-based tinctures can sometimes have a harsher taste and cause tingling under the tongue, but some users report more potent effects with the carrier. Oil-based tinctures can be easier to swallow, but may not pack as much of a punch. As mentioned earlier, your base material is also important when you’re making edibles.

You can also try and buy magic mushrooms online in Canada.

Friday 25 November 2022

The Importance of Relative Humidity and Temperature

As the name suggests this is the point in the life cycle of the plant where it will grow leaf and stems and develop its initial structure. The reason why plants are given a light cycle of 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark is to imitate the seasons and by replicating the same climate from Spring until Summer, plants will grow only vegetative matter. This stage is a big player in determining the final size of the plants, as well as the final canopy structure, the development of the root zone, potential flowering sites and how efficiently your plant will bloom.

The same way that seedlings require high humidity and warm temperatures, the very same applies during the vegetative stage in order for plants to be able to perform to their best ability. The day time temperatures will be fixed as close to 24 degrees Celsius and with a night-time drop of 5-8 degrees Celsius.

Relative humidity needs to be close to 70-75% and the reasons for this are to provide hot humid days as you would find outside. Stomata which is responsible for absorbing carbon dioxide from the air function best when the humidity is high. When relative humidity is low, stomata will close up and the function of photosynthesis will also cease. This is one reason why plants will wilt and close up if the air is too dry.

The very best way to stay on top of your temperature and relative humidity during the 18/6 period is to install a humidity controller that will be programmed to your settings. The controller will be connected to a humidifier that will kick on and off when the level of humidity becomes too high or too low based on the setting. By having this little helper in the grow room, I am able to be away from the garden and know that my environment is perfect and the rate of photosynthesis is the best it can be.

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Thursday 24 November 2022

What You Need To Know About The Growing Period

Let's start off by looking at the seedling stage. Seeds are the variety of life and especially when it comes to Cannabis. Breeders have been crossing strains since the early 1970’s to provide the best range of genetic diversity on the planet. The seedling stage is the start of life for the plant and this is where much care needs to be taken in order to get the best possible start. When germinating seeds it is surprising how many people are unaware of the correct way to germinate seeds, however there are a few different ways which always work on the basis that the conditions are right.            

Soaking wet paper towels and leaving the seeds in a warm, dark place is the most popular way to get seedlings to sprout. Simply using 2 layers of tissue paper, soak to the point of becoming wet but not dripping wet. You will want the seeds to have plenty of air around so a waterlogged tissue will only prevent germination. Seeds also may go soggy and become mushy if the water content is too high. One issue that people can find when germinating seeds this way is that the tap root can grow long in search of a growing medium that it can anchor itself into and develop a sturdy taproot.

Upon seeing long, healthy taproots, as happy as a grower can be, planting the seeds without causing the roots to grow in the shape of a letter J can be easier said than done. What is an excellent technique is to place the tissue in an envelope or plastic sleeve and allow it to stand upright. This will encourage the tap root to grow down in the same way it would do in a growing medium and will also ensure that the J - Root does not happen.

Another simple way to germinate seeds that I personally prefer over other methods is to place the seedlings in a glass of water, approximately 2 inches high with water. Once the seeds float then within a few days all of the seeds will begin to open and tap roots will emerge. Some seeds may even germinate whilst floating on top of the surface of the water, but either way this is a sure way to germinate even stubborn old seeds.

A great part about germinating seeds in a glass of water, is adding Trichoderma fungi as an inoculant and sometimes a drop of seaweed extract to speed up the opening process. Seeds can show tails within 6 hours of dropping and swirling around in a cup and other seedlings may take up to 3-5 days. With anything to do with nature patience is the key to success.

Check out the best seeds online:

Wednesday 31 August 2022


A cannabis seed is a perceptible living being to be activated. It contains all the genetic information that its parents have printed on it and what is necessary to germinate while waiting for the right conditions to do so. As we well know, water and a temperature above 18º degrees will activate the germination process. It is for this reason that if we want to keep these cannabis seeds for several years we must avoid activating them or they deteriorate.


To preserve cannabis seeds, we will have to take into account mainly three factors:

  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • Light

If you follow the conservation guidelines that we will give you below, you will be able to start growing your own plant of marijuana whenever you want. Humidity : As we have mentioned, water activates the germination of the marijuana seed, and it is for this reason that it is not only necessary to avoid water but also high relative humidity. Check out tropicana cookie seeds, kush mints seeds and white russian seeds.

The perfect humidity for the conservation of marijuana seeds is between 10% and 20% . In this regard, our packaging contains silica balls that will help reduce the humidity of the container and its conservation. Still put the container in a dry place. Temperature : Cannabis seeds in their natural environment accumulate inside the dead plant, preserved by the plant mass of the plant, the resin and the cold. Thus, the seeds spend a period of 3 to 4 months dormant, waiting for the first rains of spring and the rise in temperatures.

The objective is to keep the marijuana seeds in these winter temperature conditions, between 5º and 8º degrees centigrade. Light : The very nature of the plant already teaches us that it needs to avoid light for its conservation . Cannabis plants store their seeds inside resin-covered calyxes. The combination of calyxes and resin will prevent the cannabis seed from coming into contact with light and water. Light deteriorates all types of seeds, so it is easy to find a dark place. If we take these aspects into account and comply with them perfectly, a marijuana seed must be kept in perfect condition for at least 5 years. It may be the case that the seeds germinate even 10 years later, but methods will have to be used to help them and the germination rate will be very low.

Cannabis and Sun

When it comes to growing marijuana, sunlight is an essential element. Without sunlight, photosynthesis cannot occur, and plants will end up dying. While growing cannabis plants outside is a natural way to produce a healthy crop with a high yield, controlling the amount of light your plants are exposed to is not always easy. With this guide, you will better understand how much sunlight cannabis plants need and how you can control the amount of light they are exposed to during each phase of growth.

Understanding the Importance of Sunlight

While marijuana plants are highly durable and able to thrive under many conditions, this does not mean they can grow without light. Although the soil you use and how much water the plants receive is highly essential, sunlight is most critical and makes the most significant difference in the growth and final yield of cannabis plants. This is hardly an issue when growing in the sunny states of California or Hawaii, but those in Alaska or North Dakota may have a narrower window of time to take advantage of the sun’s energy. Check out new autoflower seeds online lemon autoflower, gelato autoflower and new sweet tooth seeds.

A marijuana plant cannot produce stems and leaves without adequate sunlight. The leaves are the part of the plant that help it take in critical energy from the sun. If sunlight is lacking, the plants will grow “leggy” and will not produce many leaves because they are looking for an energy source.

Cannabis plants use a process called photosynthesis to create food. Without this vital process, plants cannot thrive. Cannabis plants, like all other plants, use their leaves to trap energy from the sun. Once this energy is absorbed, the plant goes to work on converting water and carbon dioxide into glucose, which is the food source for all the cells in the plant. Glucose is a critical element of producing the healthiest cannabis plants because it plays a role in the cells’ manufacturing cellulose and starches.

Placement Is Critical for Sun Exposure

It takes considerable thought to determine the best place to plant your cannabis. Without the right arrangement, the plants will not receive the full sun they need during each stage of development.

Cannabis plants need a lot of sun exposure, so it is essential to plant them in a sunny location where they can receive up to twelve or more hours of full sun each day. Those living in the Northern hemisphere are going to want to plant their cannabis at the south end of their property. If you live in the Southern hemisphere, plant them at the northern end.

The area you plant in must be free of objects and other plants that will hinder sunlight absorption. It is wise to check the area throughout the day to see if there are any periods where shade could become a problem. Remember, the more sun your plants receive, the higher the yield, so it is worth investing time in the process of finding the ideal planting location.

For some reason, perhaps because of legal concerns, many growers attempt to hide their crops by growing them in wooded locations. If you understand anything about the science behind photosynthesis and plant development, it is clear to see that this is problematic and will result in stunted growth with much less yield.

Cannabis Nutrients

Growing cannabis with pre-made fertilizer is relatively simple. However, if you want greater control over your crop and its quality, it is best to use a homemade feeding solution. DIY fertilizers are easy to make, and they are ideal for those on a budget (or growers who want to fly under the radar). Here, you will learn why and how to make cannabis nutrient solutions.

Fertilizer: It is A Multivitamin for Your Plants

Like all other plants, cannabis requires phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and various micronutrients. However, the weed plants do not consume these for energy; they do so for healthy growth. Natural fertilizers are best thought of as vitamins that support the process of photosynthesis. When feeding cannabis plants, the grower’s goal is to find the right balance of nutrients, not to give them as much as possible. Try and grow indoor and outdoor big bud seeds, zkittles seeds and your favorite acapulco gold seeds.

Why Growers Should Make Their Own Fertilizer

Many of today’s marijuana seed cultivators are choosing homemade fertilizers, and for good reasons. Firstly, making a nutrient solution is labor-intensive, but it is less expensive than purchasing ready-made solutions. With time, the savings will add up!

Secondly, using a homemade feeding solution gives a grower the reassurance of knowing exactly what the plants are getting, and it also leaves room for experimentation. If you are planning to grow organic or vegan cannabis, homemade fertilizer is a great way to follow the rules.

The final benefit of homemade fertilizer is that it increases soil quality with time. When using a DIY organic fertilizer, it is possible to reuse the growth medium over several crops. On the other hand, synthetic nutrients typically cause soil quality to decline.

The Case for Organic Plant Food

Most organic fertilizers are a combination of nutrients originating from sources such as vegetable and animal waste. However, the term is also used to describe sediments such as gypsum and rock dust that contain minerals needed for soil nourishment and plant growth. Organic fertilizers have the following benefits:

Slow nutrient release, which protects cannabis plants from burning or overfeeding

  • Gradual improvement of the soil’s nutrient profile and overall quality
  • Improved water retention and airflow in the soil
  • Renewability and sustainability
  • Little to no chance of nutrient runoff
  • Working with an organic fertilizer gives a grower the chance to bolster the growth medium while improving product quality. Most of the benefits of natural fertilizers come from their ability to maintain this balance. Many growers have discovered that organic plant foods work to improve the flavor profile and yield of cannabis crops.

Tips For Healthy Cannabis Farming

Cannabis is quite a hardy plant, particularly in warmer environments. One of its most common nicknames is weed, after all, and this nickname comes from its ability to grow unattended on the side of roads. The tricky part of cannabis growing is the creation of dense, sticky, and potent flowers that most consumers are focused on. And to be clear, growing these is not actually all that difficult either once you know what you’re doing. Many people who take up cannabis gardening haven’t grown a single plant before they begin their weed journey, and they manage to cultivate flowers just fine with a little bit of trial and error. The most important inputs for cannabis plants are light, heat and humidity, airflow, water, and nutrients. How much variation in each of these a plant can handle often comes down to genetics. Plants with indica and ruderalis genes are more likely to resist mold, pests, and neglect. 

Cannabis grown in a strictly artificial environment with very little care for the health and happiness of the plants was the normal state of growing for quite a while, especially in the black market during the prohibition era when the need for secrecy and production streamlining trumped the desire for quality crops of environmental sustainability. Now that the market is diversifying, growers are better able to take advantage of organic gardening techniques without risking their crops. What follows are some helpful tips for people who want their plants to thrive, not just survive. 

Organically Grown Cannabis

It’s common knowledge by now that cannabis grown in organic and living soil, without the use of pesticides or artificially fortified nutrients, makes for better tasting crops. Organic gardeners can charge a premium, sometimes up to double what other growers can charge, for buds that are both potent and delicious. Folk wisdom has people believe that organic cannabis will be less likely to give users an edgy effect, though this hasn’t been verified by scientific studies yet. When growing large amounts of cannabis, growing organically is definitely more expensive than using hydroponics and nutrient salts. Using a living, organic soil is just the beginning of this kind of growing. Looking for a wide range of OG strain seeds online like alien og seeds, og kush seeds and white fire og seeds.

Using inputs like bat guano, worm castings, oyster shell flour, crustacean meal, neem meal, gypsum, kelp meal, and rock dust will help give plants all the macro and micronutrients they need without having to resort to bottles of heavily processed liquid fertilizers. This is in addition to organic soil additives like peat moss, coco coir, activated charcoal, perlite, and vermiculite that can greatly assist soil in staying aerated and well-drained. Some of these soil amendments are more ecologically friendly than others, so check out the environmentally friendly growing recommendations below for more information on how to make your crops not only organic, but biodynamic and ecologically sustainable. All of this stuff can get very expensive, and whether or not it’s the right move for you will depend on a number of extenuating factors. Organic tastes better, but it literally comes at a cost.

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